Power of Love! Full Moon in Capricorn

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Full Moon in Capricorn, July 1, 2015 at 7:20 pm PDT

We have had some powerful experiences in the last few weeks that are aligned with the energy of this very powerful Full Moon at 10 degrees of Capricorn. Collectively, the darkness in our hearts is rising to the Light of Love to be healed and transformed by the experiences. We have witnessed a very heinous act of violence based in fear and hate, only to be met with compassion, forgiveness and love by the survivors of the victims of that act. The members of the congregation of the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston live and believe in the power of love and have forgiven the perpetrator of the murder of nine members of their congregation, who was so conditioned by this culture in the ways of hate and fear. This Full Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto, which represents a soul wound personally and collectively. But as Rumi says, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Where we are most broken is where love enters when we allow it. When we surrender to the power of love and compassion, it can heal each of us and the world we live in.

A Full Moon is always an integration of opposites, in this case it is the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. Cancer is the sign of the archetypal Mother bringing unconditional love. Capricorn is the sign of the archetypal Father asking for maturity and responsibility. The Moon is conjunct Pluto, which brings healing of the soul through claiming responsibility for our own feelings. Cancer and Capricorn are the signs most related to issues of the family, so in aligning with Pluto, it is about healing and releasing old wounds related to family and ancestral patterns. As the Grandmothers say, “As we heal ourselves, we heal seven generations before us, seven generations after us and Mother Earth.”

As we release the old conditioning, it can allow our hearts to heal on deeper levels and open to the unconditional love that is all around us. When we surrender to love, we can forgive ourselves and others; for love heals all wounds, all sorrows, and ultimately love is all there really is. It is an act of self-empowerment through love.

At this Full Moon conjunct Pluto, many of us may be going through some difficult life situations. Pluto asks us to release control of our beliefs around how things should be and accept the truth of the present situation. We are being asked to surrender and trust the Universe in its infinite wisdom and powerful teachings. What might these potent teachings be revealing to you? Everything is designed to serve us in some manner even when it is painful. Sometimes the teaching is that the heart must break to fully open and feel compassion.  It is said that compassion is the highest form of love. It may be hard to allow our hearts to stay open during times of pain and yet this is what we are being asked to do.

In the last few weeks we have received really bad news and wonderful news too. There is a beautiful conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Leo in the evening sky. These are the two brightest lights in the sky after the Sun and Moon. Jupiter and Venus both can bring very benevolent gifts. With this conjunction, we have seen the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality saying we can love who we love without discrimination by the government. Love is winning! When critical mass is reached, a shift can happen very quickly, as we have seen. Jupiter and Venus will be traveling within ten degrees of each other for the next three months. We can expect more opportunities from the Cosmos to help us open our hearts to each other and choose love.

A friend of mine once shared a piece of wisdom with me that has always resonated as truth, “Things are getting better and better and worse and worse, faster and faster, all at the same time.” Everything is speeding up as we are making the shift into higher levels of consciousness but the old paradigm may not die easily due to fear of change. But change is happening! The darkness and negativity in our hearts is being released to the light of our awareness to be transformed into love. Let us reach critical mass and make the shift into love for ourselves and each other! We can rise like the Phoenix out of the ashes of fear and be reborn as the beings of love that we truly are!

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.   Rumi

 Sibyl Star





















Power of Love!

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 1, 2015 at 7:20 pm PDT


We have had some powerful experiences in the last few weeks that are aligned with the energy of this very powerful Full Moon at 10 degrees of Capricorn. Collectively, the darkness in our hearts is rising to the Light of Love to be healed and transformed by the experiences. We have witnessed a very heinous act of violence based in hate and ignorance, only to be met with compassion, forgiveness and love by the survivors of the victims of that act. The members of the congregation of the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston live and believe in the power of love and have forgiven the perpetrator of the murder of nine members of their congregation, who was so conditioned by this culture in the ways of hate and fear. This Full Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto, which represents a soul wound personally and collectively. But as Rumi says, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Where we are most broken is where love enters when we allow it. When we surrender to the power of love and compassion, it can heal each of us and the world we live in.


A Full Moon is always an integration of opposites, in this case it is the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. Cancer is the sign of the archetypal Mother bringing unconditional love. Capricorn is the sign of the archetypal Father asking for maturity and responsibility. The Moon is conjunct Pluto, which brings healing of the soul through claiming responsibility for our own feelings. Cancer and Capricorn are the signs most related to issues of the family, so in aligning with Pluto, it is about healing and releasing old wounds related to family and ancestral patterns. As the Grandmothers say, “As we heal ourselves, we heal seven generations before us, seven generations after us and Mother Earth.”


As we release the old conditioning, it can allow our hearts to heal on deeper levels and open to the unconditional love that is all around us. When we surrender to love, we can forgive ourselves and others; for love heals all wounds, all sorrows, and ultimately love is all there really is. It is an act of self-empowerment through love.


At this Full Moon conjunct Pluto, many of us may be going through some difficult life situations. Pluto asks us to release control of our beliefs around how things should be and accept the truth of the present situation. We are being asked to surrender and trust the Universe in its infinite wisdom and powerful teachings. What might these potent teachings be revealing to you? Everything is designed to serve us in some manner even when it is painful.

Sometimes the teaching is that the heart must break to fully open and feel compassion.  It is said that compassion is the highest form of love. It may be hard to allow our hearts to stay open during times of pain and yet this is what we are being asked to do.


In the last few weeks we have received really bad news and wonderful news too. There is a beautiful conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Leo in the evening sky. These are the two brightest lights in the sky after the Sun and Moon. Jupiter and Venus both can bring very benevolent gifts. With this conjunction, we have seen the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality saying we can love who we love without discrimination by the government. Love is winning! When critical mass is reached, a shift can happen very quickly as we have seen. Jupiter and Venus will be traveling within ten degrees of each other for the next three months. We can expect more opportunities from the Cosmos to help us open our hearts to each other and choose love. Let us reach critical mass and make the shift into love for ourselves and each other!


A friend of mine once shared a piece of wisdom with me that has always resonated as truth, “Things are getting better and better and worse and worse, faster and faster, all at the same time.” Everything is speeding up as we are making the shift into higher levels of consciousness but the old paradigm may not die easily due to fear of change. The darkness and negativity in our hearts is being released to the light of our awareness to be transformed into love. We can rise like the Phoenix out of the ashes of fear and be reborn as the beings of love that we truly are!


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.   Rumi


Sibyl Star






















Power of Love!

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 1, 2015 at 7:20 pm PDT


We have had some powerful experiences in the last few weeks that are aligned with the energy of this very powerful Full Moon at 10 degrees of Capricorn. Collectively, the darkness in our hearts is rising to the Light of Love to be healed and transformed by the experiences. We have witnessed a very heinous act of violence based in hate and ignorance, only to be met with compassion, forgiveness and love by the survivors of the victims of that act. The members of the congregation of the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston live and believe in the power of love and have forgiven the perpetrator of the murder of nine members of their congregation, who was so conditioned by this culture in the ways of hate and fear. This Full Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto, which represents a soul wound personally and collectively. But as Rumi says, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Where we are most broken is where love enters when we allow it. When we surrender to the power of love and compassion, it can heal each of us and the world we live in.


A Full Moon is always an integration of opposites, in this case it is the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. Cancer is the sign of the archetypal Mother bringing unconditional love. Capricorn is the sign of the archetypal Father asking for maturity and responsibility. The Moon is conjunct Pluto, which brings healing of the soul through claiming responsibility for our own feelings. Cancer and Capricorn are the signs most related to issues of the family, so in aligning with Pluto, it is about healing and releasing old wounds related to family and ancestral patterns. As the Grandmothers say, “As we heal ourselves, we heal seven generations before us, seven generations after us and Mother Earth.”


As we release the old conditioning, it can allow our hearts to heal on deeper levels and open to the unconditional love that is all around us. When we surrender to love, we can forgive ourselves and others; for love heals all wounds, all sorrows, and ultimately love is all there really is. It is an act of self-empowerment through love.


At this Full Moon conjunct Pluto, many of us may be going through some difficult life situations. Pluto asks us to release control of our beliefs around how things should be and accept the truth of the present situation. We are being asked to surrender and trust the Universe in its infinite wisdom and powerful teachings. What might these potent teachings be revealing to you? Everything is designed to serve us in some manner even when it is painful.

Sometimes the teaching is that the heart must break to fully open and feel compassion.  It is said that compassion is the highest form of love. It may be hard to allow our hearts to stay open during times of pain and yet this is what we are being asked to do.


In the last few weeks we have received really bad news and wonderful news too. There is a beautiful conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Leo in the evening sky. These are the two brightest lights in the sky after the Sun and Moon. Jupiter and Venus both can bring very benevolent gifts. With this conjunction, we have seen the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality saying we can love who we love without discrimination by the government. Love is winning! When critical mass is reached, a shift can happen very quickly as we have seen. Jupiter and Venus will be traveling within ten degrees of each other for the next three months. We can expect more opportunities from the Cosmos to help us open our hearts to each other and choose love. Let us reach critical mass and make the shift into love for ourselves and each other!


A friend of mine once shared a piece of wisdom with me that has always resonated as truth, “Things are getting better and better and worse and worse, faster and faster, all at the same time.” Everything is speeding up as we are making the shift into higher levels of consciousness but the old paradigm may not die easily due to fear of change. The darkness and negativity in our hearts is being released to the light of our awareness to be transformed into love. We can rise like the Phoenix out of the ashes of fear and be reborn as the beings of love that we truly are!


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.   Rumi


Sibyl Star





























Power of Love!

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 1, 2015 at 7:20 pm PDT


We have had some powerful experiences in the last few weeks that are aligned with the energy of this very powerful Full Moon at 10 degrees of Capricorn. Collectively, the darkness in our hearts is rising to the Light of Love to be healed and transformed by the experiences. We have witnessed a very heinous act of violence based in hate and ignorance, only to be met with compassion, forgiveness and love by the survivors of the victims of that act. The members of the congregation of the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston live and believe in the power of love and have forgiven the perpetrator of the murder of nine members of their congregation, who was so conditioned by this culture in the ways of hate and fear. This Full Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto, which represents a soul wound personally and collectively. But as Rumi says, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Where we are most broken is where love enters when we allow it. When we surrender to the power of love and compassion, it can heal each of us and the world we live in.


A Full Moon is always an integration of opposites, in this case it is the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. Cancer is the sign of the archetypal Mother bringing unconditional love. Capricorn is the sign of the archetypal Father asking for maturity and responsibility. The Moon is conjunct Pluto, which brings healing of the soul through claiming responsibility for our own feelings. Cancer and Capricorn are the signs most related to issues of the family, so in aligning with Pluto, it is about healing and releasing old wounds related to family and ancestral patterns. As the Grandmothers say, “As we heal ourselves, we heal seven generations before us, seven generations after us and Mother Earth.”


As we release the old conditioning, it can allow our hearts to heal on deeper levels and open to the unconditional love that is all around us. When we surrender to love, we can forgive ourselves and others; for love heals all wounds, all sorrows, and ultimately love is all there really is. It is an act of self-empowerment through love.


At this Full Moon conjunct Pluto, many of us may be going through some difficult life situations. Pluto asks us to release control of our beliefs around how things should be and accept the truth of the present situation. We are being asked to surrender and trust the Universe in its infinite wisdom and powerful teachings. What might these potent teachings be revealing to you? Everything is designed to serve us in some manner even when it is painful.

Sometimes the teaching is that the heart must break to fully open and feel compassion.  It is said that compassion is the highest form of love. It may be hard to allow our hearts to stay open during times of pain and yet this is what we are being asked to do.


In the last few weeks we have received really bad news and wonderful news too. There is a beautiful conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Leo in the evening sky. These are the two brightest lights in the sky after the Sun and Moon. Jupiter and Venus both can bring very benevolent gifts. With this conjunction, we have seen the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality saying we can love who we love without discrimination by the government. Love is winning! When critical mass is reached, a shift can happen very quickly as we have seen. Jupiter and Venus will be traveling within ten degrees of each other for the next three months. We can expect more opportunities from the Cosmos to help us open our hearts to each other and choose love. Let us reach critical mass and make the shift into love for ourselves and each other!


A friend of mine once shared a piece of wisdom with me that has always resonated as truth, “Things are getting better and better and worse and worse, faster and faster, all at the same time.” Everything is speeding up as we are making the shift into higher levels of consciousness but the old paradigm may not die easily due to fear of change. The darkness and negativity in our hearts is being released to the light of our awareness to be transformed into love. We can rise like the Phoenix out of the ashes of fear and be reborn as the beings of love that we truly are!


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.   Rumi


Sibyl Star