Pot of Gold- Taurus Full Moon


Full Moon in Taurus, Oct 27, 2015 at 5:05 am PDT

The Moon loves to be in the sign of Taurus. It brings with it a sense of beauty, comfort and inner calm. This Full Moon in Taurus occurs when the Sun is in the opposite sign of Scorpio which is anything but calm. Scorpio brings emotional storms and complexities. A good image for Taurus, especially at the Full Moon, is one of the tree whose roots go deep into the Earth remaining rooted as the storm swirls around. Taurus reminds us to stay grounded even in the midst of intense energy and emotions.

The Full Moon on October 27th at 4 degrees of Taurus reminds us of the healing properties of the natural world. If life is too intense, go outside and sit on Mother Earth, she can take that energy from us and ground us into the present moment. Taurus reminds us of the joy of living in the present moment, in the fragrance of the flower, the sound of the rushing water or the feel of the sun on our face. We are reminded of the beauty all around us and within us when we can slow down enough to really feel and appreciate it. When we drop down out of our heads into our hearts and our bodies we can feel pleasure and gratitude in the smallest of things.

The Sun in Scorpio brings emotional intensity and complexity. The evolutionary goal of Scorpio is to feel every human emotion deeply but to then let it go. Scorpio is one of the most healing energies of the zodiac as it helps us transform ourselves through the clearing of our emotional bodies. Some say our Earth Walk is about healing and clearing our emotional bodies so they once again become bodies of light. It is said that Scorpio comes in like the scorpion but ultimately rises like the phoenix from the ashes through the transformation of the emotional body.

Scorpio activates our deep passions and yearnings of the soul. Scorpio desires to feel passionately alive. Sometimes this desire can take us into emotional dramas where we can get lost. The Moon in Taurus longs to take us back into the quiet and stillness where we can be fully present and reconnect with ourselves. Taurus asks us to be fully present to our bodies as well as the natural world in all of its beauty.

Listening to the body is very important. It tells us to rest when we are tired, eat when we are hungry and pay attention to aches and pains. The wisdom of the body is trying to inform us. Pay attention to the body’s wisdom when it speaks for if we don’t, the teachings can be very challenging.

In the morning sky at this Full Moon there is a beautiful conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and Mars in Virgo. The conjunction of these three planets is not only lovely to look at but brings with it a desire to follow what brings us beauty, prosperity and joy. This is also an aspect of passion, inspiring us to feel passionately alive. These planets are in Virgo, a sign of healing. They are guiding us to what we need to heal within ourselves, to become whole through the awareness of our deepest passion.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon aligns beautifully with the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and Mars, “The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow.” It brings the promise of riches in whatever form they take for us. At this Full Moon, it can certainly be opportunities for success when we are aligned with what makes us come alive.

As Howard Thurman says, Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” What makes you come alive? What makes your heart sing? There are so many distractions in our world that we can lose the soul connection to our deepest yearnings. Take time now to slow down and go into the stillness where the voice of the heart can be heard. Our hearts know the way to joy and feeling passionately alive. Follow the path of the heart as it leads u to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” Rumi

Sibyl Star