She Sings to the Stars, Full Moon in Leo

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Full Moon in Leo, Feb 3 2015 at 3:08 pm PST

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.”

This quote from Marianne Williamson sums up this Full Moon perfectly. This Full Moon falls at 15 degrees of Leo with the Sun at 15 degrees of Aquarius, the cross-quarter day of Imbolc. The light is increasing in our world and there is a quickening of Spirit. This Full Moon is fueling the sacred fire within, the Light of Creator.  We are each the embodiment of an aspect of the Divine and have our own song to sing, the expression of our own unique gifts.

The Moon in Leo is conjunct Jupiter and asks, “What is your heartsong? What fills you with joy?” You will know what fills you with joy and delight in those moments when you feel goose bumps, when you feel overwhelmed with emotion and fully in your heart, when you lose track of time and are totally in the present moment. Let your joy take you to places of ecstasy and bliss. It is not only your right but why you have incarnated. It is in those moments when you are closest to God, bringing the Divine Light of Creator into yourself and into the Earth. Let yourself overflow with joy and believe in your heart’s desire.

Pluto in Capricorn & Chiron in Pisces are inconjunct this Leo Moon. It creates a configuration known as a Finger of God.  It is showing the challenges to accessing the joy in our lives and points the to places where we need to focus to claim that joy. Where this Full Moon falls in your natal chart is an activation point for claiming your joy.

Pluto brings breakdown. All of the places in our lives that are not authentically who we really are may show up now. It can be painful when the ways in which we have defined who we are leave our lives, often dramatically. Relationships, work, any areas of our lives that are not in alignment with Spirit & your true identity may fall away. The ego can become very attached to certain ways of being and thinking but with this Full Moon we are being given an opportunity to release ourselves from what is no longer true.  Although the process can be painful it is ultimately liberating. Chiron asks us to be compassionate with ourselves in times of loss.

Pluto also asks us to look at our relationship with power. We may have unconscious beliefs that we do not have the right to be powerful individuals. We may feel on some level that we do not have the right to the abundance and blessings of the Universe. That unconscious material is trying to rise to the surface so it can be examined and released. As we remember our own divinity and trust in Spirit, we can once again align ourselves with Divine Will and allow ourselves to be the Light that we truly are. This is a beneficent Universe and its abundance can truly flow through us. That does not mean we will not have challenges but when remember we are powerful beings it will help us through those difficult times.

Uranus is trine this Full Moon which creates an easy flow and brings many synchronicities. Synchronicities are clues along the way that remind us we are part of a bigger whole & our place in it. Allow the Divine Plan to unfold. Pay attention to the clues. We can become most of aware of the clues when we are in the present moment. We often fail to see and understand them when we are thinking about the past or the future. We are always being given the guidance we need, it is our job to pay attention.

The Sun in Aquarius invites us to join with others in singing our heartsong, creating a synergy (a collective expression which is greater than the sum of its parts) for activation of our spiritual purpose here on Earth.  When we do so we will sing with Mother Earth and the stars will hear. They will know that we are taking our rightful place in the Universe as we remember who we are, the Light of Creator in manifest form. Let us sing to the stars with all our heart! The time of the Great Awakening is here!

“We are all meant to shine. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”   Marianne Williamson

Sibyl Star from “Star Nation Oracle”