Evolutionary Astrologer and Spiritual Guide

The Beauty Way! Taurus New Moon

Taurus New Moon- May 4, 2019 3:45 pm PDT                                   We are in the most beautiful time of the year in the northern hemisphere. Everything is green, the flowers are starting to bloom and their fragrance permeates the air. The New Moon occurs in the midst of all this beauty at Taurus 15 degrees which … Read more

Aries New Moon- Your One Wild and Precious Life!

Aries New Moon- April 5, 2019 at 1:50 am PDT Aries comes at the time of year, in the northern hemisphere, when all life is fresh and new. It is springtime when the life force and vitality of Mother Earth comes in strong and the darkness of winter gives way to the growing light. It … Read more

Divine Dreams! Pisces New Moon

Pisces New Moon, March 6, 2019 at 8:05 am PST This New Moon at 16 degrees of Pisces finds us knee deep in water, especially across the continental United States. Here in northern California we have had devastating floods and in the Sierras, there is almost 35 feet of snow. Across the country there have … Read more

Hold the Vision! Aquarius New Moon

Aquarius New Moon, Feb 4, 2019 at 1:04 pm PST Once again, the New Moon at 15 degrees, 45 minutes of Aquarius is landing on a very powerful energetic degree in the Zodiac. In earlier articles, I have shared that 15 degrees of the fixed signs are what is called cross quarter points, the exact … Read more

Creating Form Out of the Formless- Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse

Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse- Jan 5, 2019 at 5:28 pm PST The partial New Moon Solar Eclipse at Capricorn 16 degrees on January 5th kicks off the Saturn/Pluto conjunction that will be exact in January 2020. Even though this eclipse is only visible in parts of Asia it still packs a punch everywhere because … Read more

FaithKeepers- Sagittarius New Moon

Sagittarius New Moon- Dec. 6, 2018 at 11:20 pm PST In the northern hemisphere the month of December is always the darkest time of the year. We can also say that collectively we are going through some very dark times here on Mother Earth. On Nov. 8th the planet Jupiter moved into the sign of … Read more

Feeling is Healing! Scorpio New Moon

New Moon at 15 degrees of Scorpio on Nov. 7, 2018 at 8:01 am PST Behold there is magic all around us! This time of year is full of magic and mystery when the veil is thin and the ancestors are close. The New Moon is at Scorpio 15 degrees which is a powerful point … Read more

What Would Kali Do? Libra New Moon

Libra New Moon, Oct 8, 2018 at 8:46 pm PDT We are in the midst of a powerful transformational process now. The Great Mother as Destroyer is coming through with her sword of truth blazing, piercing the core of the collective wound and opening that wound for draining and healing. This New Moon at 16 … Read more

We Come From the Light! Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse

Leo New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse- Aug 11, 2018 at 2:57 am PDT The Sun is our star, the brightest light in the sky and the body of consciousness around which our whole solar system revolves, giving each of us vitality and life. Leo is the sign in which the Sun is at its most … Read more

Back to the Future! Aquarius Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

Aquarius Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse- July 27, 2018 1:20 pm PDT Have you ever wanted to go back in time, especially to deal with a relationship or situation that felt unhealed or unfinished? Now is that time. The doors to the past swing wide open for healing ourselves and our relationships with others, family, … Read more

Portal of Divine Love! Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse

Cancer New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse- July 12, 2018 at 7:47 pm PDT We are in the midst of magical change this summer with three powerful eclipses. The first, a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse which occurs on July 12-13 depending on where you are in the world, is the topic of this article. It … Read more

Let Your Heart Speak! Gemini New Moon

Gemini New Moon, June 13, 2018 at 12:43 p.m. PDT Some New Moons are like a blast of cosmic energy meant to wake us up while others are meant to help us navigate these powerful energic waters in which we are swimming. This New Moon at Gemini 23 degrees is the latter; it is teaching … Read more

We Have A Beautiful Mother! Taurus New Moon

Taurus New Moon May 15, 2018 at 4:47 pm PDT On Mother’s Day as I write this article, I am brought to tears by the beauty of our Mother Earth. In Alice Walker’s beautiful poem, “We Have A Beautiful Mother” we are reminded of the Earth’s exquisite beauty. The New Moon at 25 degrees of … Read more

Metamorphosis! Aries New Moon

Aries New Moon, April 15, 2018 at 6:57 pm PDT Put on your seat belts, the New Moon on April 15-16 will be a wild and crazy ride. This New Moon at Aries 27 degrees is tightly conjunct Uranus, the Trickster and planet of sudden change.  Aries is the archetype of the warrior who is … Read more

Dare To Dream! Pisces New Moon

Pisces New Moon, March 17, 2018 at 6:11 am PDT Many indigenous and ancient cultures believe that we are living in a dream created by our collective beliefs, thoughts and emotional patterns. We are living in a nightmare where self-limiting beliefs and fear reside.  If we want a different world we must change our dream. … Read more

Behold There Is Magic All Around Us! Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse

Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse, Feb 15, 2018 at 1:05 pm PST “Behold there is magic all around us”  is a pagan chant that perfectly captures the message of this partial New Moon Solar Eclipse at Aquarius 27 degrees.  Aquarius is the visionary, oracle and seer that sees the future and attempts to guide us … Read more

Revelations of the Heart- Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse- Jan 31, 2018 at 5:28 am PST A total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 12 degrees of Leo will be visible, at least partially, in most of North America in the early morning hours of Jan 31st. This is a very powerful event as it is both a SuperMoon, meaning … Read more

Ascent in Consciousness- Capricorn New Moon

Capricorn New Moon, Jan 16, 2018 at 6:17 pm PST The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon at Capricorn 27 degrees is, “A Mountain Pilgrimage.” Many spiritual traditions have their most sacred sites at the top of mountains as there is a sense of being closer to the Divine at these higher realms. The mountain … Read more

A New Vision-Sagittarius New Moon

  Sagittarius New Moon, Dec.17, 2017 at 10:32 pm PST The inner light within each of us is the light that sustains us in this darkest time of the year now in the northern hemisphere. This is the time of Sagittarius, a sign of hope, faith and belief that the outer light will return and … Read more

Embodiment of Love- Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio New Moon- Nov. 18, 2017 at 3:43 am PST I recently drew an oracle card at a ceremony, it was “Isis: Holy Queen, Embodied Manifestation of Love.” The ceremony I attended took me deep into the heart of the love of the Universe; I could feel that love in every fiber of my being. … Read more

This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let It Shine! Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse

Leo Solar Eclipse – Maximum visibility varies but around 10:15 am PDT, New Moon at 11:30 am PDT Love is a Cosmic Force and it is coming in strong at the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees of Leo on August 21st. During the Solar Eclipse, the light of the Sun is blocked … Read more

Free At Last! Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, August 7, 2017 at 11:11 am PDT “Free at Last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty I’m free at last!” These famous words from Dr Martin Luther King epitomize this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees of Aquarius. It has the potential to free us from old emotional baggage … Read more

Into the Light! Leo New Moon

Leo New Moon- July 23, 2017 at 2:46 am PDT The Sun is calling us to step into the Light at this New Moon at 1 degree of Leo. Leo is ruled by and closely associated with the energy of the Sun, the primary life force in this solar system.  Astrologically, the Sun represents our … Read more

What The World Needs Now Is Love! Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon- June 23, 2017 at 7:31 pm PDT The New Moon at 3 degrees of Cancer is ruled by the Moon. This New Moon is a Supermoon, meaning that the Moon is very close to the Earth so is extra powerful. Lunar consciousness, which is our intuition, emotional sensitivity and affairs of the … Read more

Power of Words! Gemini New Moon

Gemini New Moon, May 25, 2017 at 12:46 pm PDT The New Moon at 5 degrees of Gemini, the archetype of the teacher, writer and storyteller, will arrive on May 25th.  What do all of these archetypes have in common? The use of words! I was recently reminded by one of my spiritual teachers that … Read more